Ideas are an inexhaustible human resource. They emerge from fresh, mindful human experience and are fastest to appear when they happen to be needed. David Ideas is an evolving repository of my own ideas in the sciences (On Breathing, On Eating) and in the arts (On Discovery, On Learning) with gratitude to the many from whose ideas my own emerge and frequently riff.
Exploring the Future of Inhalation Drug Delivery
Sept 11-13, 2024 - University of Parma, Italy
December 15 - 19, 2024
Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa
The Sheraton Reston, will be the host venue for the 2023 American Cough Conference. {Near Dulles Airport)
“Cases for Culture” is a pathbreaking conference hosted by the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.
It will promote the contributions arts make to society by generating easy to read case studies that include narratives and measurable results of arts interventions.
Title: Breathe Free, the Air of Equity
Title: Why upper airway dryness promotes inflammation and cough reflex
EFR 654: How to Strengthen Your Breath's Natural Defenses for Cleaner Airways and Promote Longevity with Dr. David Edwards and Touré Roberts
Darin Olien is the host of the top-rated Health & Fitness podcast. Don't miss his discussion with David Edwards, about the air we breathe, and better understanding airway hydration (FEND).
Follow the Food - Episode Seven - 'Food as Medicine' - aired on BBC World News. This episode features David Edwards and Incredible Foods.
You can view it at FollowTheFood
- Touré Roberts & David Edwards
RESCON SUMMIT highlights innovations in the respiratory sector and connected devices. At the event will be showcased new trends in aerosol science and the future directions of inhalation drug delivery research. Further discussion focusses at on-body device design and development for large volume delivery while engaging in the latest digital applications for wearable devices.
If we are what we eat, in a very real way, we eat what we are.
BRAIN FOOD is a collaboration between the Cambridge Science Festival and Sensory Cloud, a Harvard University technology spinout company pioneering new healthcare and wellness experiences via the air we breathe, maker of FEND.
This keynote event of Cambridge Science Festival’s SCIENCE + FOOD day was curated by scientist, inventor and author David Edwards, and featured:
Ellen Langer, Harvard University Professor
Nancy Rawson, President, Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia
Marty Kolewe, CEO Foodberry
Touré Roberts, best-selling author, community leader, Cofounder Breathe Better
Two days of virtual talks, panel discussions, and interactive intimate breakout sessions covering the latest from the worlds of design, creativity, leadership, technology, and social impact, and more. Join past and present Most Innovative Company honorees, business leaders, and the like and gain thoughtful insight to inspire your path forward in 2022.